Mariners 8 , Okland 4, we are heading home!

We went to see a Seattle Mariners Game today, it truly is an experience not to be missed. Safeco field is amazing , it is unlike any other building I have ever been in. We arrived about an hour and a half before first pitch, one of the grounds keepers was nice enough to bring Blair a ball used in the Mariners warm up. I went to grab some drinks for Janet , Emily and Blair and in the five minutes I was gone it began to rain, watching the roof close was soo cool! The Mariners started slow but came on strong to double up on the A's. After the game all of the kids in attendance ( and there were an amazing number of kids) were asked down to the field to run the bases, Blair has a good story to tell, he had a great day even better than dad perhaps. A cab ride back to the hotel ended our day and a great day it was. Tomorrow morning we head for home.
It has been a great vacation! I don't want to go!