The great thing about this profession is the friendships you can make with your customers, on that note it has been a truly wonderful summer. every couple this summer has left such a positive impression on Janet and I. I truly feel blessed!
In what other profession do you get paid to meet new people, bond with them , and create art that they will treasure for the rest of their lives.
We did a wedding in BC a few years ago and their was a second wedding party on the property and the wedding party was not enjoying the day...they were mad at their photographer, they let me know by commenting to me that I had the worst job in the world. I said man you got it backwards "I love my job , I love my clients and they love me"
Some days everything works and you see the value of what you do , I do feel fortunate to be doing what we do.
Best wishes.
I am posting a few photos from this summer just images that I have close by.
Facebook followers sorry for the repetition.