We did a boudoir shoot a few weeks back with Tash, She has quite the resume. biologist , ranch hand , polo player, and more. Model on this cold evening. We used a old house out in the country that I had done a landscape photo of years earlier, the piece was titled Prairie Homestead, may not have been entirely accurate I think most true homesteads were never built to the standard of this one. 7-8 years ago the original stained glass windows were still in place and the character of the home was still intact. Time and vandals have taken their toll ,the windows are beat out, paint ball marks adorn the walls , things have gone down hill fast. The lack of respect for these older structures saddens me.... so I will use them as locations while I still can.
Did I mention that it was cold , it was very cold for lingerie ! Tash was a trooper, I complained more than she did. The photos turned out very well some dramatic some soft and sexy but all showing off her good looks and amazing figure.
I have had the pleasure of working with Tash again recently it was the day the barn started coming down, I will post some of those in the next few days. some were cowboy/western themed and they are all cool.
Hopefully I can get a couple up by the weekend (ish)