Are you a member? I don't remember....

There is a push by some local photographers to get everyone on board the local chapter of the PPOC ( professional photographers of Canada) , we are not members. That may change, but for now we choose not to participate. There are valid reasons to be a member, accreditation, savings on insurance , and....
We are members of the WPPI ( Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) , the PPA ( Professional Photographers of America) and of the NAPP ( National Association of Photoshop Professionals). What does that all mean? I duno!
These organizations do lots to educate its members , if the members choose to participate and they provide lots of opportunities for support through its members.
What does it all mean? Not a lot.
Hire a photographer based upon their skills and passion, hire them because they make images that you absolutely have to have for your wedding ( or portrait session).
Hire them because they care about you and what is happening in your life, and will put everything they have into what you are hiring them to photograph.
Don't hire a photographer based on the letters they stand behind, the organizations are great but are only as good as what the individual puts in to them.

Its sort of like the old expression "marry for love not for money" in this case hire for the passion !

Best wishes.



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